
Genesis art collection by @maybeimwasabiii


most women in history were Unknown, in the shadows...

With AI We reimagine their stories.


Be part of a pivotal moment in technology and art.

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The First AI-gen ART Collection using the pfp as a medium

UKW explores the past while capturing a fleeting moment in AI history.

let's talk about

The Art

An FAQ-style art statement that's easy to read and allows you to jump into what you're curious.

Why care?

GANs (AI) are a tool with huge implications for art and culture, akin to the smart-phone.

For the first time in history, we can use algorithms as an art tool to visualize complex ideas from our creative minds beyond abstract art and at scale.

UKW uses AI to create a collection (and homage) of 1875 unique portraits which would have taken several lifetimes to complete. It is a project that exists for, and because of, this revolutionary new tool.

The Brief:

The enduring art of portraiture and a new technology (GANs) unite to bridge our past with the fast-evolving present.

The past addressed here are the lives of women through history. The collection imagines what some of these women may have looked like, and through opulent imagery, elevates them and their historically overlooked work.

Although women throughout history had distinct experiences, they are largely united across cultures and time by the shared responsibility of home and family. This common thread is reflected in all the images through their intricate backgrounds, distinct from other NFT collections.


Wasabi's art has always been drawn to the intersection of human spiritual adaptation and the now - the period of rapid technological progress through which we are living.

As technology progresses at exponential rates (DNA sequencing, computing power, speed of communication etc) it pushes us to adapt. It also gives us more time to think and to strive for Maslow's pinnacle: self-actualization.

We want to do more, better and faster. But do we? Are humans adapting as quickly?

Why are they all One Race?

AI today is flawed (like us?); the tools often output faces and bodies deformed.

UKW uses raw AI outputs intentionally as a way to capture this fleeting moment in the development of GANs as an emerging tool in the arts. The art expresses what the AI is good at now (which intriguingly happens to be non-caucasian faces). 

The other dimension explored is the demonization of AI in media; by wanting to freeze this moment in AI’s progress (like a portrait does) we also humanize it.

Art or PFP?

This is an art collection that is intentionally using the PFP as a medium to capture the present moment in culture and art.

A huge, global shift has happened in the arts akin to the development of the smartphone: power and control are shifting, reach and connection expanding. Art is being democratized.

Bruce Naumann used neon signage as a way to democratize art. Wasabi uses the PFP.

What else represents this pivotal (and controversial) moment in art-history better than the PFP?

The PFP is a marker of our identities in web3 and its ethos: it is a medium of mass culture. For that reason UKW is intentionally embodied in this contested medium asking the age-old question: What is art?

PS -  The PFP is also fascinating to Wasabi because of its inherent repetition. The different ways in which we appreciate repetition is interesting to consider: music sounds better with repeating tunes, the pursuit of perfection requires repetition, calm is felt through repetitive sound or activities (like in Kusama's web paintings), and yet we value that which is one of a kind.

The Essence:

UKW celebrates the human experience across the passage of time.

It asks: What should we value? Why?

It forces us to freeze and reflect as our minds incessantly hurtle toward an exciting future.


MINT Details

Public-Mint opens Jan 25th 5pm ET

  • 1875 unique 1/1s
  • Minting o NiftyKit
  • Starting at 0.01 eth
  • Stored securely on IPFS
  • ETH-721A saves gas fees for batch mints
  • Surprise revealed at mint for all holders
  • Rarity determined by collectors
  • Small Free-Mint for artists & early supporters: 23/01/23 12pmET
  • WL Mint: 24/01/23 5pmET at 0.01 eth
  • Public Mint: 25/01/23 5pmET at 0.03 eth
  • Proceeds will go to Wasabi's second project (underway)

What makes art, Art?

Where is the line between artist & machine?

How are pfps different from commissioned portraits of the past?

Every work is signed uniquely,
leaving a visual trace of the artist’s human hand.

The Artist:
Maybe, I'm Wasabi

Maybe I'm Wasabi is an anonymous artist that works with various media, including photography, sculpture, & ai.

Art for Wasabi is a way of life.

Through art, Wasabi likes to explore the human experience: How do we survive and thrive alongside the accelerating pace of technology? How do we perceive time? What does it mean to live a creative life?

To discover what Wasabi is all about, go for a scroll on Wasabi's profile:

learn more

Couldn't have done it without you

A few web3 frens supporting this genesis.

Anon Web2 Lady

Anon Lady is a close friend living and working a web2 life. Her advice and support have been, and continue to be indispensable.

A close mentor, Gui has been a support on technical aspects of this project.

Maybe YOU, fren?

Wasabi is always looking for new Web3 frens for future projects and collabs.